
更新:12月. 12, 2019

This overview will be updated as new information is 宣布.




July 11, 2018: New processes for data submission 宣布


July 25, 2018: Further misreporting

8月. 2018年10月10日:坦普尔发布第三次更新

8月. 2018年10月10日:邓波儿回应《亿德体育》的文章

10月. 1, 2018: 临时院长 Ron 安德森 announces update on AACSB accreditation

Oct. 12, 2018: Temple delivers fourth update

Dec. 21, 2018: Temple announces agreement in Fox School class action case

3月6日, 2019: 领导 reaffirms apology for misreporting of data, 最新的努力,以确保准确的报告

12月. 2019年12月12日:就数据完整性问题达成协议


亿德体育(亿德体育)宣布,福克斯商学院(福克斯商学院)在提交给美国商务部的报告中发现了一个数据错误.S. 新闻 & 《亿德体育》的在线MBA课程. 其结果是,美国.S. 《亿德体育》将在线MBA重新分类为“未排名”.”

In light of the data issue with the Online MBA program, the Fox School contacted U.S 新闻并要求在即将到来的全日制和非全日制MBA课程的结果中退出考虑. 

亿德体育校长理查德. 于是,恩格尔特请来了众达律师事务所, a global law firm with substantial experience in such reviews in higher education, 对福克斯的排名数据进行审查. 


总理 Englert 宣布 that report’s findings and recommendations, and 福克斯商学院 Dean Moshe Porat was asked to step down. 这是院长提议解散一个长期负责确保排名数据准确性的委员会. 缺乏制衡, 加上对排名的过度关注, 导致了这样的误报. 

The Jones Day review found that the Fox School reported inaccurate data to U.S. 多年的新闻. 在某些情况下, the misreporting was intentional; in other instances, the Fox School misreported information based on incorrect interpretations of survey questions. 



July 11, 2018: New processes for data submission 宣布

执行副校长兼教务长乔安妮一. 埃普斯在福克斯推出了一系列措施, 所有其他学校和学院, and other university offices that are responsible for data submissions, to ensure the highest degree of data integrity at 亿德体育.




总理 Englert and 执行副校长兼教务长 Epps appointed 罗纳德·C. 安德森担任福克斯商学院的临时院长. 福克斯学院受人尊敬的教员, 自2012年7月加入坦普尔大学以来,他一直担任金融学教授和系主任. He is also interim dean of Temple’s 体育、旅游及酒店管理学院 and is expected to serve for approximately two years. 预计在2019-2020学年期间,将在全国范围内寻找常任院长.



新闻 story: Ron 安德森 appointed interim dean of the 福克斯商学院 

July 25, 2018: Further misreporting

校长Englert和执行副校长兼教务长Epps宣布,与在线MBA类似的错误报道也发生在执行MBA上, 全球MBA, 兼职MBA, 人力资源管理理学硕士和市场营销数字创新理学硕士. 

These programs all had issues related to the reporting of one or more metrics, including the number of new entrants providing GRE/GMAT scores, 学生债务和申请人的本科gpa. 网上工商管理学士学位, 发现与学生债务有关的误报. 结果,亿德体育向美国大学报告.S. 新闻 that it cannot verify data related to these programs, and that Temple would not participate in business school surveys at that time.

在一个相关的更新中,美国.S. 《亿德体育》要求邓波儿提供一封信,核实其提交的2018年和2019年最佳大学排名数据的准确性. The university conducted a painstaking review of the voluminous data contained in these submissions. 7月20日,邓波儿提供了美国.S. 消息与所要求的信, in which the accuracy of its submissions were verified for both the 2018 and 2019 rankings. 大学行政部门也做了三次更正:一次无意的换位和两次印刷错误. 另外, Temple updated originally reported endowment information to ensure consistency in survey responses. U.S. 新闻 also had requested information on additional programs, and that review is underway.
除了核实提供给美国的数据外.S. 新闻, the university is responding to ongoing inquiries from the U.S. Department of Education and the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office.



8月. 2018年10月10日:坦普尔发布第三次更新

Since the initial discovery and self-reporting of inaccurate data earlier this year, 坦普尔已经收到了监管机构的要求, 认证机构和排名机构提供有关福克斯商学院报告的数据的信息, 在某些情况下, 大学的其他领域. 下面概述了其中的一些进展.

U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道

亿德体育验证了2018年和2019年最佳大学排名提交的准确性,随后回应了美国大学的一份声明.S. 关于福克斯学院特定数据的新闻查询. 

此外,U.S. 《亿德体育》要求该校核实最近提交调查信息的专业和研究生项目的数据, 即, 工程学院, 教育学院, 詹姆斯E号. Beasley School of Law and the Lewis Katz School of Medicine. 这项工作已经完成, 尽管在其中两份报告中发现了错误, the errors were few in number and there was no indication of deliberate misreporting. 这一信息已报告给美国国防部.S. 新闻.

Association to Advance Collegiate 学校 of Business (AACSB)

AACSB于7月10日联系了邓波儿, 2018, asking for details regarding the misreporting of data and remediation efforts. 该大学已经回应了这一要求,并定期向AACSB提供有关补救和纠正措施的最新信息. The AACSB has moved up its re-accreditation review for the Fox School from spring 2020 to early 2019. 


该大学还在审查福克斯对其他排名和评级机构的调查结果, 包括普林斯顿评论. 今天,坦普尔大学通知《亿德体育》,对提交给它的数据进行了审查,结果显示,至少有一个报告给美国大学的数据点不准确.S. 在给《亿德体育》的报告中也使用了新闻.


该大学继续保持美国.S. 教育部更新了其在分析过去福克斯学校报告方面的进展,以及正在实施的确保数据完整性的程序. 除了, 坦普尔正在与宾夕法尼亚州总检察长办公室合作,提供他们正在寻找的信息.




8月. 2018年10月10日:邓波儿回应《亿德体育》的文章

In response to Temple’s update regarding data integrity, 费城问询报/费城.Com在下午4:30发表了一篇文章.m. under the headline “Temple finds data errors at two more schools for U.S. 新闻排行榜.那篇文章的第一行写道, “The rankings scandal at 亿德体育 spread beyond the 福克斯商学院 on Friday...”


First, as was clear in our announcement, the data errors found in the two U.S. 新闻调查无法与福克斯学院之前提交的报告中披露的问题进行比较.

第二个, what we have reported today is precisely the opposite of the “spread” of the “rankings scandal.”,而, it is confirmation that the issues in Fox have not appeared in any other school or college at Temple.

Third, the story includes: “The information Temple shared with U.S. 新闻 'did not have an impact on its 2019 Best 研究生 学校 rankings,罗伯特·莫尔斯, 美国首席数据策略师.S. 新闻在一份声明中说.”

This statement stands in stark contrast to the tone and language of the story.


10月. 1, 2018: 临时院长 Ron 安德森 announces update on AACSB accreditation


大家都知道, 高等商学院协会(AACSB)是要求提供福克斯商学院数据的机构之一, stemming from the discovery that data was misreported to U.S. 新闻和其他排名机构.

Since July, we have provided information in response to AACSB’s requests. 9月. 天普学院和AACSB的代表在校园里会面. 当时, 我们描述了我们如何实施严格的数据完整性流程和程序,以确保数据的准确性.

今天,AACSB 宣布 to its educational members that the Fox School remains accredited. 同时, AACSB已经将我们学校置于一个多年的监控过程中,以确保我们遵守他们的道德标准,以及我们与数据完整性相关的内部控制的有效性. The leadership of AACSB, including its Board of Directors, takes this matter very seriously. 我们也是. 我有信心,学校的每一个人都会配合,认真工作,确保我们的努力取得成功.

在过去的几个月里,财政大臣理查德. 执行副总裁兼教务长乔安妮一. Epps, 我在一个专门的教职员工团队的支持下,一直在努力推动学校的发展. 由于这些努力, we can clearly illustrate that the Fox School’s research, 教职员工和项目依然像以往一样强大. We also continue to be extraordinarily proud of the accomplishments of our students and alumni.

I take pride in the incredible resilience the Fox community has shown in recent months. I also reaffirm our commitment to abiding by the highest standards in the future.

罗纳德·C. 安德森



Oct. 12, 2018: Temple delivers fourth update

校董会主席Patrick J. 奥康纳, 恩格勒校长和埃普斯教务长提供了第四次更新,重申了学校对数据误报的道歉, 概述了解决问题的一系列措施, 并宣布邓波儿聘请了一家外部审计公司来审查提交的排名,以确保这些新措施的有效性. 该大学还在寻找一名合规官,以加强其道德和合规计划, 以及内部报告结构.



Dec. 21, 2018: Temple announces agreement in Fox School class action case

理查德·M. 恩格勒宣布,已经达成协议,解决福克斯商学院学生的索赔问题. The agreement has been submitted to the court for its review and approval. The press release linked below offers details on the settlement.



3月6日, 2019: 领导 reaffirms apology for misreporting of data, 最新的努力,以确保准确的报告

理查德·M. 执行副总裁兼教务长乔安妮一. 埃普斯和福克斯学院临时院长罗纳德. 安德森给福克斯学院社区发了一封信,重申了他对向美国大学报告错误数据的道歉.S. 新闻与世界报道. The letter also included several steps that have been taken to ensure rigor in data reporting.



12月. 2019年12月12日:就数据完整性问题达成协议

亿德体育与宾夕法尼亚州总检察长达成了一项协议,即自愿遵守保证协议,以解决总检察长对福克斯商学院排名问题的调查. 和解协议于今天上午公布. 

The agreement requires Temple to maintain certain internal controls, 哪些已经基本落实, 创造和资助5个5美元,000 scholarships per year for 10 years for Fox School students in the affected programs.


The Office of the Attorney General has issued a statement to the media. The university has issued a statement in response to press inquiries regarding the agreement. If you receive any contacts from the media, please refer them to Kevin Feeley (kfeeley@bellevuepr.com or 215-893-4285).

Richard M. Englert

乔安妮一. Epps